“Here’s what you should do…” Telling others what to do may seem efficient, but often it has the opposite effect. If you find yourself in a rush to give orders: …SLOW…DOWN. Encourage a conversation by pausing and asking a question instead. Thoughtful questions: • Lead to exploration • Help people find their own solutions • … Continue reading “Thoughtful questions lead to constructive conversations”
How to critical thinking helps when you’re feeling overwhelmed
“I’m juggling too many things at once. I’m beyond overwhelmed!” Sound familiar? If you’re nodding yes, you’re not alone. This year has been especially challenging, as many of us are thrown into new, stressful situations. It can be easy to get overwhelmed with not knowing which direction to focus your energy and time. I decided … Continue reading “How to critical thinking helps when you’re feeling overwhelmed”
Turn off email notifications to improve your focus
Can ONE small change save HOURS of time every week? Yes! Here it is: Turn off your email notifications. Trust me, it’s a game-changer. Then, check your email on a schedule…on your terms. This simple adjustment can make a massive impact on your focus. When you’re more focused, you’re more productive. Being more productive means … Continue reading “Turn off email notifications to improve your focus”
Why knowledge is the first step in helping others, with guest Dereca Blackmon
“I want to help. I just don’t know where to start.” Most people WANT to be a helpful ally, yet they feel confused and uncertain about where to start. I reached out to fellow LinkedIn Learning instructor, Dereca Blackmon, for advice on that first step in the right direction. Her response: Knowledge. Learn as much as you … Continue reading “Why knowledge is the first step in helping others, with guest Dereca Blackmon”
Accountability is the key to continued growth in your career
Ever broken a promise? It happens to everyone. In the beginning, you’re full of motivation and drive. You enthusiastically accept a project without hesitation. Then, as the deadline approaches, procrastination sets in. You realize you’re not going to fulfill this promise on time, if at all. What is the key to breaking this pattern? An … Continue reading “Accountability is the key to continued growth in your career”