Is working from home causing a disconnect between you and your team? Sometimes, when we work remotely, it’s easy to get stuck in the silos and stop the communication with our team. The relationships begin to deteriorate, which can have a negative effect on your quality of work and life. My good friend and fellow … Continue reading “How regular communication builds stronger connections when working remotely, with guest Mike Gutman”
Why making choices is part of strategic thinking with guest, Dorie Clark
Are you tired of fighting fires all day…every day? Strategic thinking is the key to eliminating these little fires for good. My good friend, and fellow LinkedIn Learning instructor, Dorie Clark is joining me today to share a tip on strategic thinking. Most people think of strategic thinking as a difficult and complex process. In reality, it boils down … Continue reading “Why making choices is part of strategic thinking with guest, Dorie Clark”
Slow down and review your work to reduce mistakes
Ever been guilty of making a careless mistake? I have. It’s easy to rush through a project and hit “send” without realizing you made errors. I’ve consulted companies that reported losing hundreds of thousands of dollars due to “little” mistakes. On a more personal side, even typos keep you from looking your best. Next time: take … Continue reading “Slow down and review your work to reduce mistakes”
How to give feedback to your boss with guest Tatiana Kolovou
“What’s the best way to give my boss feedback?” Everyone can benefit from constructive feedback. Yet, when it comes to providing feedback to a supervisor, it can be incredibly awkward. This is why I reached out to my friend and fellow LinkedIn Learning author, Tatiana Kolovou, to share her secrets on communication. Her course, “Communication Foundations,” which she … Continue reading “How to give feedback to your boss with guest Tatiana Kolovou”
Use bullet points to highlight questions in an email
“Why do people only answer half the questions in my email?” Most people are flooded with emails and tend to glaze over the contents. When you send someone a long paragraph with multiple questions, it’s easy for them to overlook some of them. This leads to frustration and lost time on both ends. Make it … Continue reading “Use bullet points to highlight questions in an email”