The Myth of Multitasking is Alive and Well

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If you’re like most people, the myth of multitasking is alive and well where you work. It’s not as simple as refusing to multitask and reminding yourself to focus. There are obstacles in the way, and the biggest one lives inside of you.

Find out the biggest obstacle standing between you and a more focused life in my new brief video.

Action Steps:

  1. Ask yourself, “What’s keeping me from breaking free of the myth of multitasking and becoming a more focused person?”
  2. Share your answer using the comments section below.
  3. When you hear someone say they’re “busy,” ask them what they’re accomplishing.

Principles to Learn:

  1. Your ego is not your friend. What’s good for your ego isn’t always good for business.
  2. On its own, being busy accomplishes nothing. There is a difference between being busy and accomplishing something worthwhile.
  3. When you ask someone what they’re accomplishing, you will help them shift their focus from how busy they are to the results they produce.

Tired of those 12-hour workdays? What if there was a simple formula to double your productivity by working fewer hours? Find freedom with a free copy of Dave's new book, The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want.
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