Insights from the new Time Management Fundamentals Course at

Taymar Pixley was the director of the new Time Management Fundamentals course at You can read her insights, as well as insights from the crew, here. My favorite quote from her post is: “Since Dave works at home, he schedules a half an hour at the end of his work day to play video games.” I’ve decided that sometime in the next couple of months I’ll have to do a training video to explain this a bit more. You can get a free 7-Day trial to this Time Management Fundamentals course (and all of the other 999 courses at!) by clicking here.

Too busy? Improve your productivity rhythm.

Many feel that in order to be truly efficient in their work day, they have to be constantly busy–too busy–constantly moving from one thing to another. They try not to waste a single moment in their day. However, instead of being more productive, these chronically busy people waste a lot of time. The reality? Productivity is more about rhythm than perpetual motion. Watch this video to learn why.

How to say no to yourself and others (and stop dam failure)

No, it’s not a typo. Too many of you are experiencing dam failure… your life is flooded with much more to do than your schedule can handle. Feel like your life is overflowing and about to burst? In this 2.5 minute video, I share two tips to help CEOs and business owners protect their focus and stop dam failures.

How multitasking damages relationships (The fourth effect)

Remember the multitasking exercise? In it I told you there were three negative effects that come from multitasking. But that’s not completely accurate. There is a fourth effect and, to many, it’s even more damaging than the first three. In this video, I give you a simple exercise that you can share with coworkers and friends to understand and avoid this fourth effect.

Think You’re Good at Multitasking? Take this Test.

There is a new and improved version of this video! Please visit:   Think you’re a good multitasker? Know someone who thinks they are? Here’s your chance to put your skills to this test! In this video, I walk you through the multitasking exercise I share in my live keynote speeches and workshops.

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