Effective meetings – Is this meeting necessary?

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Got enough meetings on your schedule? What if someone walked through your door, right now, and told you they want to have another company meeting. How would you feel? More important, what would you DO?

In this brief video, I share the four vital questions you should ask before you schedule another meeting. This will help you determine whether another meeting is necessary–or not.

Incidentally, you can get instant, full access to the entire Effective Meetings course on lynda.com–free for seven days–if you go to http://DaveCrenshaw.com/free.

Action Steps:

  1. When you feel the need to invite other people to participate in a meeting, ask yourself: How can we take care of this without having a meeting?
  2. If you’re missing important information, schedule a reminder for yourself to revisit the idea of having a meeting once the necessary info for the meeting is available.
  3. If it’s not critical that everybody in the company is on the same page, have a few individual conversations instead of having a meeting.
  4. Share your perspective or ask questions on this page.
  5. If interested, sign up for the free 7-Day trial of the entire effective meetings course at: http://DaveCrenshaw.com/free

Principles to Learn:

  1. Questions to ask that may help you discover whether or not the meeting is necessary:
    • Do we have all the information that we need for a meeting?
    • Do we need to discuss and collaborate, or delegate and calendar?
    • Is it critical that we are all on the same page?
    • Is this meeting one of our Most Valuable Activities (MVAs)?
  2. If you just want to delegate tasks one by one, these items can be handled through one to one conversations or even through email.
  3. Most Valuable Activities (MVAs) are the activities that you perform that bring greatest impact to the bottom line of the business.



Does it feel like you keep running into brick walls? Work ethic only gets you so far. Dave’s newest book guides you in finding a teammate who builds on your strengths and keeps you growing. Click here to download your free copy of The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want.
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