How to handle difficult conversations by leading with empathy

Stressed over a conversation you KNOW is going to be difficult? Maybe it’s with a person you’ve always butted heads with, no matter what you say or do? If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. My fellow LinkedIn Learning instructor, Kwame Christian Esq., M.A., is an expert in having difficult conversations in a productive way. I reached out … Continue reading “How to handle difficult conversations by leading with empathy”

Why cultivating awareness for different needs boosts productivity

“How can I increase my team’s productivity when they’re working from home?” The adjustment of working remotely isn’t just a pain an employee experiences. Managers are feeling frustrated by the change in the environment, too. Often the misconception is that working from home means a lower level of productivity when it’s usually the opposite. Sometimes, … Continue reading “Why cultivating awareness for different needs boosts productivity”

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