Get Organized – 5 Tips for Entrepreneurs

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Feeling a little overwhelmed at the thought of your messy workspace? You’re not alone. It’s funny how small business owners and entrepreneurs always manage to find something more important than getting organized. That’s exactly why I’m here to help.

With hectic schedules there’s barely any time to slow down and get organized. But letting that clutter take over can make life really chaotic, really fast.

So watch my 5 organization tips for entrepreneurs. Or keep pretending there isn’t actually a desk under all that clutter…

Get a physical inbox. In fact, get two: one fixed and one mobile, so you can have somewhere to collect business cards and papers when you’re on the move.

Next, get in the mindset that everything has a home—whether that home is a filing cabinet or a garbage can, get it there fast! How? By processing. Pronto. Setting aside time to address your chaotic clutter each week.

It’s your turn to share! Do you have any invaluable tips that entrepreneurs can use to get organized? What kind of homes do you have for all those items in your inbox?

Does your organization lack organization? Dave’s practical approach can rebuild your business from disarray and focused on getting results. Download Dave’s newest book, The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want..
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