The Power of Thank You

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Would you like more sales? More referrals? Better reviews from customers? More loyal employees? A happier, more productive workplace?

Of course you would. As a business owner or executive, you’re always looking for the best way to improve your business and its bottom line.Yet, are you making full use of the two most powerful words in the world?

In this brief video I discuss the power of Thank You, three areas where these two important words are often overlooked, and what to do about it.

Action Steps:

  1. Watch this video and ask yourself: “On a scale of 0-10, how well is my company doing with saying thank you?”
  2. Appreciate your employees by expressing gratitude verbally, through email, or with an occasional card.
  3. Evaluate if you have expressed gratitude for all the referrals you received for the last six months.
  4. In an upcoming company meeting, take a few moments to have a group discussion about ways you can genuinely express gratitude more often.
  5. Share your perspective or ask questions on this page.


  1. A simple thank you costs you little but yields a massive return on investment.
  2. Three areas in which the “thank you” is often overlooked in business are:
    • Employees
    • Referrals
    • Customers
  3. A simple expression of gratitude can go a very long way in helping your employees feel respected and keeping their spirits lifted.
  4. Sincerely thanking customers for their business increases customer loyalty.


This post was sponsored by the Dave Crenshaw’s Invaluable CEO Coaching program. Would you like to work one-on-one with Dave to develop a strategy for your business? Click here to learn how to apply: (For business owners and CEOs only)

Does it feel like you keep running into brick walls? Work ethic only gets you so far. Dave’s newest book guides you in finding a teammate who builds on your strengths and keeps you growing. Click here to download your free copy of The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want.
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