What are your Most Valuable Activities?

Hi, I’m Dave Crenshaw, and I am here actually at Issimo Productions. I mentioned them in my last blog post and they are the ones that are working on the video production of my new Video Boot Camp. In fact, the editing is going on right now in the other room. Brandon is doing a great job of editing that up for me. So, I am going to be out here so I don’t disturb what he is doing, but I wanted to film from here to illustrate a principle that I talk about regularly, which is Most Valuable ActivitiesTM, your MVAs.

What’s Your Company Hammer?

For the video training this week, I would like to actually do something special. I am filming with Jason Smith of Magnum Manufacturing and he told me a story yesterday that really illustrates the principle of time assets and time liabilities. It’s “the company hammer.” As you are listening to this, I would like you to ask yourself the question, “Do we have a company hammer and is there something we can do to change that?”

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