How many gathering points do you have?

The average person has between 30 to 40 gathering points, places where unresolved items gather, such as inboxes, desk drawers, and notepads. The less gathering points you have, the more productive you’ll be. Consolidate all those random places to get down to six gathering points—or less.

Why repetition isn’t just for the gym

Repetition is essential to effective training. We understand this principle with professional athletes and musicians. Yet we ignore it in the workplace. Chose an area for you or others to improve upon. Then schedule enough time to get plenty of reps to achieve mastery. Repetition is essential to effective training.

How productive leaders grow their teams’ skill sets

If you run into a challenge with a team member, ask yourself, am I trying to force compliance, or am I seeking to help them grow? Productive leaders focus on developing skill sets, which makes force unnecessary. By coaching and training others, you can help them improve performance.

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