“My micromanaging boss is driving me CRAZY!!” There are few things more demoralizing than a leader who micromanages. When you’re on the receiving end of it, you might contemplate quitting, even if you love your job. The great news is you CAN do something about it. No, I don’t mean blowing up and getting yourself … Continue reading “How to handle a micromanaging boss without losing your job”
Tag: Productivity
How your focus style affects your productivity
“I used to be great at staying organized, but lately, things have just gotten so off track!” If this sounds like you, then you fall into one of the three focus style groups I call the “Nomad.” You have a natural desire and tendency to be good at time management, you’ve just gotten out of … Continue reading “How your focus style affects your productivity”
Why your role as an admin is important
“But I’m just an admin!” If you’re an admin or assistant—stop selling yourself short! Your role is IMPORTANT. You ROCK! I recently spoke at the Western Governors University, and my audience was their administrative team. How great is that?! If you’re a manager or business owner, make sure to invest in training for your admins just … Continue reading “Why your role as an admin is important”
How to turn notes into action
Taking notes is good; taking ACTION is better! How many times have you listened to a great presentation, you get excited to do something new…and then you forget about it? Let’s stop wasting these wonderful opportunities! The solution is to do what I encourage my audiences to do: take notes on ACTION ITEMS that come … Continue reading “How to turn notes into action”
How multitasking on people negatively impacts relationships
When my son was only two years old, he offered me a wonderful opportunity to connect with him. It was an inconvenient time, so I was very tempted to multitask—more accurately “switchtask”—on him. I’m glad I didn’t, though, and here’s why: By giving him 100% of my attention at that moment, I was telling him … Continue reading “How multitasking on people negatively impacts relationships”