How to Overcome Opportunity Addiction

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Once the entrepreneurial bug bites, you begin to see opportunity everywhere. Right? Potential clients, potential side jobs, potential add-ons—the list goes on and on. The allure of it all can be intoxicating.

This mindset has a dark side, though: Opportunity Addiction or OA. I’ve suffered from it myself. It’s not pretty. So, to help you stay sober, I’ll share the top three quick ways to keep this small business demon in the bottle…

Click to tweet this: Opportunity addiction: responsible for the rise and fall of entrepreneurs everywhere. Are you sober? #smallbiz @Dave Crenshaw

Yeah—it takes a little self-control.

But focusing on one business and one line is how you create truly passive income. Then, and only then, you can pursue other exciting ventures! Remember, they’re your MVB and MVL for good reason.

A Perhaps List also helps. This “wish list” for entrepreneurs allows you to acknowledge ideas without putting every last ounce of chaotic energy into them. Win-win!

Hi, my name is Dave and I’m a former opportunity addict. You’ve seen how I fend off my opportunities…how do you fight yours? Join the conversation and share with your fellow OA-ers in the comments section!

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