Micro Management vs. Effective Management

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There’s management, and then there is micro management. Which method do you use? More important, which method would those you lead and manage say you use?

Many people who think they are being effective managers are shocked to learn their actions are stifling growth and creativity.

This brief video draws five comparisons between the less effective micro managers and true managers. Please watch, then share your own comparisons.

Action Steps:

  1. Watch this video and ask yourself the following questions about your leadership style:
    • Do I give people flexibility in how to reach a desired result, or do I tell them how things should be done?
    • Do I take time to explain to people why something should be done, or do I just tell them what to do?
    • When I delegate a tasks, do I establish a clear WHEN, or do I demand things to be done NOW?
    • Do I hold people accountable, or do I constantly hover over them?
    • Am I helping those I manage to grow, or do I just want them to be compliant?
  2. On this page, share any other comparisons that you see between micro managers and managers. Thank you!

Principles to Learn:

  1. Effective managers focus on results more than methods.
  2. Giving the “why” helps provide the motivation for people to follow through.
  3. Effective managers focus on the WHEN. Companies with a Culture of When accomplish everything in a timely manner.
  4. Effective managers hold people accountable. They do consistent follow-up and allow you freedom in between those follow-ups.
  5. Effective managers want growth. They provide ways for the people they lead to improve over time.

Need more energy? Discover the best, most motivated version of yourself with Dave’s Result Formula and get your head back in the game. Download your free copy of The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want.
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