Making a Family Business WORK

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In the beginning, working with friends or family may seem like a great opportunity. You need help, they need the work. Boom! Perfect opportunity, right?

But later, when reality sets in, when the honeymoon period wears off, you find that what began as a match made in heaven is now a rocket-propelled handbasket on its way to hell. Conflicts arise, feelings get hurt. You, the business owner, are stuck with not wanting to offend but at the same time needing to fight chaos and make a profit. What’s to be done?

Watch my short video and learn steps you can take—today—to ensure workplace familiarity is a boon, not a bust.

Action Steps:

  1. With your family member or friend, create ground rules for working together and refer to them during your regular meetings.
  2. Do your utmost to create consistent meeting schedules that start and end when they should.
  3. Comment below and tell me how you’ve encouraged cooperation within a family business.


  1. Familiarity can indeed “breed contempt” when left unchecked, particularly in a family business.
  2. Ground rules help get everyone on the same page, but only if documented and reviewed.
  3. Consistent, on-schedule meetings both boost efficiency and showcase mutual respect.

Does it feel like you keep running into brick walls? Work ethic only gets you so far. Dave’s newest book guides you in finding a teammate who builds on your strengths and keeps you growing. Click here to download your free copy of The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want.
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