Disciplining employees (Are you a lumberjack … or a gardener?) – For CEOs

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Disciplining employees is often tricky and misunderstood. Recently I had a coaching meeting with a client who was frustrated with his employees, and “chopping away” at them like a lumberjack.

In this three minute video, I show you the three “gardening tools” I shared with my Invaluable CEO client. Please watch and share your perspective.

Action Steps:

  1. Watch this video and assess yourself in each of the “gardener’s tools” of disciplining employees.
  2. The next time you are about to discipline an employee, ask yourself, “Am I a lumberjack… or a gardener?”
  3. Share your perspective or ask questions on this page.

Principles to Learn:

  1. A “lumberjack” approach to disciplining employees cuts down. It makes broad, sweeping strokes and ends up destroying morale.
  2. A “gardener” approach, on the other hand, makes corrections but does it with an attitude of pruning, molding, and helping employees grow.
  3. The way you correct employee errors should be congruent with your personal values.
  4. The Three “Gardening Tools” are:
    1. Avoid responding to first instances
    2. Correct quickly with clarity
    3. Then, be supportive and caring
  5. You empower your employees when you give them a little space to make mistakes and correct themselves.
  6. By correcting quickly (on a second instance), you avoid allowing your personal frustration to build up until you explode.
  7. By using precise and clear language, you depersonalize discipline and make your correction not appear like a personal attack.
  8. By sincerely expressing to an employee how important they are to you and to the company, after correction, you become a mentor rather than an enemy.

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