3 Steps to Find Your Dream Career – Pick Dave’s Brain

This week’s question comes from Ramzi in Quebec, Canada. Q: I have tried for a long time to find the best career where I will be fully satisfied, but I’m having a hard time finding it. What do you feel is the best formula to find the right career, Dave?

Why “urgent” and “important” isn’t important anymore – Pick Dave’s Brain

This week’s question comes from Antonio in Montreal, Canada. Q: I went through your “Time Management Fundamentals” course. You said that when organizing tasks, anything between 5-15 minutes or of “no big importance” goes into the task reminders list. What happens when we have a lot of these tasks? Do you organize them into categories … Continue reading “Why “urgent” and “important” isn’t important anymore – Pick Dave’s Brain”

Why “less is more” for performance reviews – Pick Dave’s Brain

This week’s question comes from Natasha in Sydney, Australia. She asked: Q: I’ve read your articles on LinkedIn about Productive Leadership. I had a simple question. What should a good leader suggest for an employee to add on their professional development aspirations section in their performance review?

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