Seeing the Potential in Others: What a Car Wreck Taught Me

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Do you have little artifacts around your office? You know, those seemingly small–yet super significant–objects reminding you of life lessons and experiences? So do I.

Take 68 seconds to find out about one of my favorite reminders, and how you can borrow its story to reinforce an invaluable resource of your small business. Hint: it’s all about the potential of others…

Click to tweet this: Seeing people for their past mistakes is a tragedy—seeing people for their potential is a true power @DaveCrenshaw

Video transcription:

I like to keep visual reminders of powerful lessons around my office. One of those is this model of Linder Nocker 1964 Jaguar. Now why is it important?

Well, it was involved in a serious wreck and most people said the car could not be restored. One gentleman saw the potential in it and invested 7,000 man hours to restore it to its former glory. Because of this, it’s now considered one of the most valuable cars in the world at eight million dollars or more.

This, to me, is a lesson about how we can view people. Often we see people how they are now. But instead, we can look at them and see their potential.

I believe this is also something entrepreneurs can use as well. You have a vision of success for your business. Yet you can apply that same, optimistic vision to people.

I’d like you to share in the comments section below: who is one person who saw the potential in you?

Also, if you have a question you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching and may you see the best in others.

Join the conversation: Who is one person who saw the potential in you?

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