February: Friend or Foe for Small Business Owners?

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If there’s one thing entrepreneurs everywhere all seem to dread, it’s the frosty, frigid F-word: February. But, exactly why is this month so darn tough? And how do we brace ourselves for its inevitable challenges?

Today’s small business slice answers that question, giving you all you need to survive and thrive in this tumultuous timeframe. Get ready to take February from foe to friend in all of 64 seconds.

Click to tweet this: Make February favorable with tiny tweaks to your surroundings. Take time to recharge your small business! @DaveCrenshaw


A wise educator once taught, “Watch out for February.”

February is a challenging month—particularly in the northern hemisphere, where we’ve been in winter for a very long time. Also, all the festivities, the holidays, and the New Year are over and it’s natural for people to feel a letdown.

This is the time for you as the entrepreneur and a business owner to give [your employees] more attention. For instance, you can:

  • Give them your best training during the month of February. Also,
  • Find a way to get out of the office into another environment. Also, you can
  • Find a charitable cause that everyone can participate in and serve to recharge their batteries. And also,
  • Make sure that you as the business owner take a little extra time for yourself in February to recharge your own batteries.

Now, I’d like you to share in the comments section below—on a scale of zero to ten, how prepared are you for the month of February?

Also, if you have a question you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching. Now go make February your best month.

Join the conversation: On a scale of zero to ten, how prepared are you for the month of February?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

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