How to Fix Your Hiring Process

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The hiring process can exhaust entrepreneurs, creating chaos of a seemingly simple practice. Plus, you’re likely in a hurry. Your company is growing and you need new employees NOW, right? Not so fast, my frenzied friend.

Today’s 75-second video helps you focus—and fine-tune—your hiring process to avoid character flaws you just can’t afford. That’s right—hiring just got a whole lot simpler!

Click to tweet this: Focus on hiring based on traits—not skills—to fortify the culture of your business. @DaveCrenshaw

One of the most common mistakes that entrepreneurs make when it comes to hiring new employees is that they focus on skills.

In other words, they interview someone, they find out that they can do what’s required by the position, and they say, “You’re hired!”

The problem with this is that we actually want to hire according to culture. It’s the traits that are more important than the skills because skills can be taught, but traits cannot.

Traits are things that are inherent to someone’s personality. They’ve had them since they were ten years old. Skills can be acquired over time. But, we want to hire someone who has the right traits both for the position and for your company.

So, what I’d like you to answer in the comments section below is—what’s one trait that every person in your company needs to have?

Also, if you have any questions that you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching and hire for the traits.

Join the conversation:  What’s one trait that every person in your company needs to have?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

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