Which kind of entrepreneur are you: Founder or President?

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Feeling the pull from both sides of your small business roles is a common conundrum for entrepreneurs. That’s because at one point or another, you’ll have to choose between leading the way and managing the windstorm.

Stop the struggle before it starts, with my 90 second slice for embracing the right role in your small business. Founder or president? Let’s explore.

Click to tweet this: Best to know whether you’re the kite or the string when the wind picks up in your small business. @DaveCrenshaw


Often business owners are confused by the top two roles of any organization chart. These are the roles of president and founder and they can be best understood through the analogy of a kite and a string.

On one side we have the founder, often called the CEO or owner. They are the visionary. They are the kite. They fly high. They see everything from the big perspective and they dream big.

On the other side we have the president, often called the manager or the director. They are the string and their focus is execution, making sure that this great dream that we’re pursuing actually gets accomplished to a degree.

Most entrepreneurs are excellent founders and poor presidents. But whether you’re more of a founder or a president, at some point you’re going to have to have a game plan to replace yourself.

So which one are you most like? I’d like you to share that in the comments section below. Which one best describes you? Are you the kite or are you the string?

Also, if you have any questions you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching and may you know yourself.

Join the conversation: Which one best describes you? Are you the kite or are you the string?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

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