Goal Setting: Achievement Depends on Vision

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All too soon you’ll be tempted to begin the obligatory process of making resolutions for 2014. “I resolve to lose weight.” “I’m going to save up money.” “I’m going to write a book.” “I resolve to spend more time with my family.”

You know and I know that New Year’s goal setting can be summed up in one four letter word: Bull.

How about some real change next year? Let me show you the process I have helped thousands use and use myself.

This week’s video is a sample from my full course on lynda.com, called Achieving Your Goals.

In this video, I guide you through the process of creating a crystal clear vision for your future. After you watch this video, you can get a 7-day free trial to lynda.com which includes my course and much more!

Action Steps:

  1. Get a free 7-day trial to lynda.com, including the full Achieving Your Goals course and accompanying worksheets, by clicking on this link: http://davecrenshaw.com/free
  2. Use visionary goal setting and share what you MUST accomplish to be a success in 2014.

Principles to Learn:

  1. Goal achievement begins with vision, the exact opposite of haphazard goal setting.
  2. The stronger your desire, the more you feel you must accomplish something, the more likely you’ll achieve your goals.
  3. Positive “how” and “why” questions are powerful tools in overcoming your brain’s natural resistance to change.

Does it feel like you keep running into brick walls? Work ethic only gets you so far. Dave’s newest book guides you in finding a teammate who builds on your strengths and keeps you growing. Click here to download your free copy of The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want.
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