Becoming Tech Savvy: The Geek Mindset

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At some point when you were growing up, someone probably told you to “be nice to geeks because you’ll probably end up working for one someday.”

What they didn’t tell you: you’d need to become one yourself.

Check out the five things you must do to start thinking like a geek and thrive in this digital age.

Action Steps:

  1. Instead of getting mad the next time your computer acts up, think about the data you gave it.
  2. Avert disaster by backing up your data, both on a physical drive and in the cloud.
  3. The next time you buy a new piece of software, take some time to play with it before reading the manual or attempting to use it fully.
  4. The next time you have a problem, see if there’s an app out there to help you solve it.
  5. You can find answers to most questions using Google. Google everything.
  6. Please comment on this page and share other “think geek” tips.

Principles to Learn:

  1. Having a geek’s mindset is an essential survival skill in today’s world.
  2. GIGO stands for “Garbage In – Garbage Out.” A computer’s results are only as good as the data you feed it.
  3. Losing your data is a matter of “when”, not “if.”
  4. Technology can’t solve all of your problems—but it can solve a lot of them.
  5. Dave’s wardrobe by threadless:

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