5-Step Stress Management For Business People

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“BIG” switches are events in your life that require you to temporarily alter your course.

The events I’m talking about are tragic in nature and very stressful. Dealing with them properly requires tact and the right strategy for stress management.

Watch the following video to learn about a 5-Step Process you can use to deal with stressful events in your life.

Action Steps:

  1. When something big happens, stop. Recognize something big has happened and that you need to temporarily alter the way you operate.
  2. Open up your calendar. Look at it very closely.
  3. Budget the time it will take to deal with the tragedy.
  4. If necessary, shuffle things in your schedule. Procrastinating is OK as long as it’s on the calendar. Reallocate time according to the new priority.
  5. Follow the new schedule until everything is resolved, then get back to business.
  6. If you’ve recently experienced one of these events, and you feel comfortable sharing your experience, please tell us about how it affected your business using the comment box below.

Principles to Learn:

  1. Because of their tragic and stressful nature, events like these will demand that you sacrifice business productivity in order to deal with them properly.
  2. If you fail to deal with them properly, your personal life and long term productivity may suffer for it. This is why it’s important to have a strategy and a plan for addressing the inevitable.

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