Developing Leadership by Letting Go

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Meet your new personal trainer. His name? ”Brock.”

“I’ll spot you,” Brock says as you chalk up for the bench press. He stands behind you as you lift the weights off of the rack. He then grips the crossbar, lifts it up FOR YOU, and yells, “You’re a warrior! You’re crushing it!”

Whether it’s running a marathon or running a sales team, managers develop leadership by doing, not watching. If you’re being a total “Brock” in the development of managers, shop for a new gym membership and check out this short video. After, we’ll hit the showers and grab a protein shake.

Click to tweet this: The best way to “get a grip” on your business might be to “let go” of control @DaveCrenshaw

Video transcript:

As a business grows, one of the greatest challenges facing it is helping the managers develop into leaders.

Once I was talking to a business owner who was clinging too tightly to everything going on in her business. I told her “Your managers need to learn how to lead and you need to learn how to leave.” What do I mean by that?

Well often, business owners hold too tightly to everything that they consider important. And they don’t allow their managers the opportunity to fail. My advice to you is to give your managers full responsibility and then sit back. Give them an opportunity to make their own choices and if they fail, step in afterward to help them learn from it.

So my question for you is: what’s one thing you need to let go of in your business?

Also, if you have any question you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching and may you please get out of the way.

Join the conversation: What’s one thing you need to let go of in your business?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

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