How to quickly determine if a meeting is necessary

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“Another meeting?? My entire day is meetings!”

Sound familiar? There’s nothing more frustrating, and unproductive, than unnecessary meetings. Yet, we’ve all sat through at least one—or hundreds.

As a leader, it’s your job to make a meeting productive, and it starts with determining IF a meeting is necessary.

The next time you’re tempted to schedule a meeting, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do we have all the necessary information for a meeting?
  2. Do we need to discuss and collaborate, or is it just delegating and scheduling?
  3. Is it critical that everyone’s on the same page?
  4. Would this meeting directly serve each attendee’s most valuable activities?

Not all meetings are equal. Some should’ve been an email or individual conversation, while some should’ve involved a smaller group of attendees. When you ask yourself these four questions, you’ll have meetings that are far more effective and have more free time in your day!

How else can you determine if a meeting was unnecessary?

Dave’s course, Leading Productive Meetings, can be found on LinkedIn Learning at

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