Get Vision, Get Motivated

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Motivation comes from within. It’s something you already have in yourself. You just have to discover it.

In this brief video, I answer a question from a business owner stuck in her past. I share the three things she—and every entrepreneur—needs to get motivated and reach new heights in her business.

Action Steps:

  1. To find and maintain motivation as an entrepreneur, make sure you have these three things:
    • Vision – A clear, written document that says this is where we want our business to be in the future. Five years is a good time frame. This vision will help drive you forward and give you purpose, day in and day out.
    • Values – These are short, written statements or even just single words that define what your business believes in
    • Cause – This is a purpose for success that is greater than money. A cause will hinge the success (or failure) of the business on the needs of other people.
  2. Please comment on this page and share your Vision, Values, or Cause (or all three!)


  1. Nearly all business problems can be explained by the Invaluable Cycle: Systems, Accountability, and Motivation.
  2. Everyone gets to a point where they need to get motivated again. They do this by returning to the roots of what drove them in the beginning.
  3. The three aspects of Motivation—Vision, Values, and Cause—apply to motivating employees as well.

Does your organization lack organization? Dave’s practical approach can rebuild your business from disarray and focused on getting results. Download Dave’s newest book, The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want..
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