Being Distracted Too Much? Here’s the Cure for Entrepreneurs

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Being distracted seems to come with the entrepreneurial title, doesn’t it? Rather than staying focused on those MVLs, we seem to run after each bright, shiny object in front of us. So how do we tell the difference between a real opportunity and one that’s fleeting?

Look no further than my 90-second small business slice, designed to help you determine whether you’re dealing with precious metal, or fool’s gold. Time to get focused, people!

Click to tweet this: Entrepreneurial fool’s gold often begins as a bright, shiny object…and ends in complete chaos @DaveCrenshaw

Video transcription:

“I’ve got a limited time offer for you to make some money and all you need to do is just talk to some friends and family.”

Sound familiar? Many entrepreneurs suffer from BSOS or Bright and Shiny Object Syndrome. It’s that syndrome where, rather than focusing on the one most valuable thing, you run off chasing many different opportunities.

Here are three tips to help you stay focused.

Number one, watch out for what distracts your from your most valuable business and your most valuable position. Those things should be front and center on your mind all the time.

Number two, whenever you hear the phrase “don’t leave money on the table”, whether it’s said by someone else or said to yourself, that’s a sign you’re chasing a bright and shiny object.

And number three, beware of the twin sales tactics of scarcity and urgency. When there are only a few left and you have to make a decision by the end of the week, that’s the time you should actually slow down.

So, in the comments section below I’d like you to answer this question—on a scale of zero to ten, how well do you stay focused on what’s most valuable in your business?

Also, if you have any questions you’d like me to answer in a future vide,o ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching. Now stay focused my friends.

Join the conversation: On a scale of zero to ten, how well do you stay focused on what’s most valuable on your business?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

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