4 Steps to Building a Small Business with Your Spouse

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As your business gets off the ground, it may sound appealing to run a small business with your spouse. But as duties unfold, entrepreneurs who don’t stay focused will feel like they’ve opened up shop with Chaos Inc. instead.

Owning a genuine mom and pop shop can be a joy,but sharing a passion doesn’t necessarily mean smooth sailing in the world of small business—or marriage.

Watch my Four Steps to Building a Small Business With Your Spouse to hit the ground running and avoid common speed bumps. Or use this as a refresher if you’re thinking about working with friends or family—a focused approach never hurt anybody!

Running a small business with your spouse requires hard work, dedication, and a little TLC—Total Lack of Chaos.

In order to achieve this you’ll need to get on the same page as your partner in crime by defining each and every harvest. And in order to reach those harvests, each of you should utilize your individual strengths by defining roles. This prevents confusion and overlapping for both you and your employees.

It’s also in the best interest of your business and your relationship to keep an objective third party on hand to see you through small quarrels and help clear the path to success. And speaking of your relationship—don’t forget about the one you have outside of work! Build an oasis to maintain the foundation that brought you together in the first place!

Are there any tips you would want to share for spouses thinking of opening a small business together? How would you apply some of these tips to solo entrepreneurs? Let’s get creative with these rules!

Does your organization lack organization? Dave’s practical approach can rebuild your business from disarray and focused on getting results. Download Dave’s newest book, The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want..
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