Support Defy Ventures & I’ll Match Your Donation!

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Ahh, the holidays: that time of year when we give thanks for our health, happiness, and humbling opportunities.

Today’s a little different, because I’m sharing my adopted cause with you. Get ready to take action, because here’s a superb opportunity to not only BE thankful, but SHOW it, too.

Click to tweet this: Rethink the way you give thanks this year by helping entrepreneurs defy the odds: @DefyVentures

The beauty of my adopted cause lies in what it is and what it isn’t.

Defy Ventures isn’t about guilt, it’s about grace; it isn’t about pity, it’s about pride; and it isn’t about comparison, it’s about connection.

That focused fixation on entrepreneurship has led Defy’s graduates to defy the odds. Graduates have started 71 businesses, 87% are employed, and have experienced a 94% increase in income.  They are providing for their families and have transformed their “hustle” into legal business ventures.

So, please, rethink the way you give thanks this year, and join me in supporting my favorite cause. Send an email to, cc, and in the subject write how much you’re willing to donate. Then we’ll take care of the rest!

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