How to get back 40 hours by reducing interruptions in your day

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“We live in an ADHD world.” Interruptions have become a normal part of our day!

Technology and the speed of information from the internet have created a world that is, as Seth Godin put it, ADHD. Yet, statistically, only about around four to eight percent of adults are medically diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (sometimes referred to as ADD).

So, what’s going on with everyone else? It’s a learned behavior. People are acting AS IF they had ADHD because they are conditioned to respond that way.

While the world we now live in is magical, it’s also overflowing with interruptions. We have smartphones, smart tablets—we even have smart refrigerators—all begging for our attention. Have you ever wondered what all of these little interruptions are costing you?

Remember this number: 28%.

According to a past study by Basex Research, the average worker loses 28% of their day due to interruptions. That totals up to 40 hours per month—that’s 60 days per year wasted on little interruptions!

One secret to gaining back that time is simple: stop switch tasking and focus on ONE active task at a time.

My question for you: what would you do with an extra 40 hours each month? I’d love to hear how you’d use that newly discovered time.

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