How to Train Employees to Create Common Sense

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Small business owners have certain expectations for their employees—those things they assume their team will do. Some entrepreneurs call it common sense, but I call it chaotic.

That’s why I’m sharing my small business secret to train your employees in a simple, focused way. Because common sense isn’t all that common, unless there’s a solid system in place.

Click to tweet this: Demonstrate, practice, and observe to make common sense legitimately common in your small business. @DaveCrenshaw


Many entrepreneurs and managers complain that employees lack common sense. Yet, common sense comes through repetition and systems.

The most effective way to create common sense is using the training method of DPO, which stands for demonstrate, practice, observe.

In demonstrate you’re going to show them how it’s done. You model how to do it correctly.

In practice, you’re going to do it with them and give feedback and correction as you go along.

And finally, in observe, you’re going to sit back and watch them in real time. And then at the end, give them feedback.

So, I’d like you to share in the comments section below: what’s one skill you need to train an employee on and how you’re going to use DPO to train them on it.

Also, if you have any question that you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching, and remember, practice makes permanent.

Join the conversation: 

  1. What’s one skill you need to train an employee on?
  2. How will you use DPO to train them on it?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

Just winging it? Foolproof businesses need foolproof business systems. Dave can show you how to develop your systems to help you manage the chaos of modern worklife. Effective business systems are one click away when you download this free copy of Dave’s newest book, The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want.
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