“I’m buried in tasks! What should be my priority?” If prioritization is a struggle for you, I’d love to share a helpful tip! I’m here in this beautiful auditorium, in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey. I just finished speaking about” The Myth of Multitasking” to Rowen University. Rowan is a public research and medical campus. They’re training … Continue reading “Why prioritization in terms of what is most valuable is more effective”
Tag: Time Management
How a to-do list keeps you from living your best life
What do Aaron Paul and I have in common? We’re both in this month’s edition of Men’s Journal! I’m a huge Breaking Bad fan, so that’s pretty cool for me. While Aaron’s showing off his posing talent wearing the latest fashions, I was interviewed on the topic, “The Myth of Multitasking,” for an article on … Continue reading “How a to-do list keeps you from living your best life”
Why simple principles can give you big results
Simple principles can give you big results. When I met up with one of my past coaching clients, Greg Gurev, I was reminded of this idea. Greg is the Founder and CEO of MySherpa an IT service provider in the Philadelphia area. I was able to reconnect with him while I was in town for … Continue reading “Why simple principles can give you big results”
How to make the most of your time this holiday season
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday season has arrived. Most of us take a break from work this time of year—at least in the United States—and spend time with loved ones. I want to share a few tips that will help you get the most out of your Oasis! It’s such … Continue reading “How to make the most of your time this holiday season”
How a 2% increase in productivity leads to a week of extra time
In the past ten years, I’ve uncovered about two years of extra time. I promise that’s not an exaggeration. I’ve been able to use those “bonus years” to write more, read more, relax more, and spend more time with my family. You can free of this kind of time, too, with minimal effort. A simple … Continue reading “How a 2% increase in productivity leads to a week of extra time”