The Millionaire-Making Business Coach, David Winford – Part 1

Discover how David Winford went from growing up in a trailer park to becoming a millionaire-making business coach. His tenacity and determination carried him through significant challenges throughout his life, which molded him into the perfect business coach. In this episode, which is part one of a two-part series, you’ll hear how David started his career by making a spontaneous, and life-changing, decision. You’ll hear how he continued that pattern of fearless decisions coupled with a relentless follow-through, which helped him build a reputation of reliability and achieving powerful results for his clients. Listen to the first part of his story, and look for ways you can infuse some of David’s wisdom and courage into your life. Then, be sure to schedule time in your calendar to hear the second half of his incredible story next week!

Action Principles 

Actions will be shared at the end of next week’s episode, when we complete David’s interview.

Guest Resources

If you’re looking for a game-changing coach, you can reach out to David Winford on LinkedIn.

Suggested LinkedIn Learning Courses

Discovering Your Strengths

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