How to Be A More Organized Business Owner

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One little known fact about chaos: it’s contagious. It may feel like just one little unopened email here, or one piece of out-of-place paper there, but—before you know it—your entire workspace is infected!

Luckily my potent prescription for focus will help you find a pulse under all that clutter and become a more organized business owner. I promise you’ll be back to perfect entrepreneurial health in no time…

Click to tweet this: The best cure for chronic small business chaos is a healthy dose of preventative organization. @DaveCrenshaw


One of the symptoms of a chaotic business owner is a chaotic workspace. But how do you get control of all that chaos?

I am going to share three tips with you that you can implement right now.

  1. Have one inbox, one place where everything that is physical that’s out of place goes. You many need to start with a really big inbox.
  2. Have a regular processing time. This is a scheduled time every single week, about five hours a week where you go through all of your physical inbox, all of your email, all of your unorganized stuff and process it. Bring it to zero.
  3. Everything has a home and no visitors allowed. That means that when you’re done with an item, you put it in a space that isn’t shared with all sorts of “weird” things…you know where things belong.

Now, what suggestions would you offer? How do you keep your workspace organized? Share that in the comments section below.

And if you’ve got a question you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching. Now go get organized.

Join the conversation: How do you keep your workspace organized?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

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