How to Hire an Employee Who Complements You

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Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “I wish I had another me?” Do you feel like you’re wearing so many hats, and juggling so many balls in the air, that the best solution would be to clone yourself?

But let’s be honest: would you really want to hire an employee with exactly your skills and traits?

In this brief video, I’ll explain why not only is cloning yourself something to avoid, but also give you a five-step action plan to find a better solution for getting more done in your business.

Action Steps:

  1. Watch this video and ask yourself: “On a scale of 0-10, how well am I doing with hiring employees that complement me?”
  2. Before you set out to hire “another you,” follow these five steps to identify someone who complements you:
    1. List all of the activities you perform.
    2. Assign a dollar-per-hour value to each one of these activities, i.e. how much would it cost you to perform these activities as well as you can.
    3. Rank the activities according to their dollar-per-hour cost.
    4. Identify the top two Most Valuable Activities (MVAs). These are the ones on which you want to focus YOUR time.
    5. Identify the three or four Least Valuable Activities (LVAs). These will begin the job description of the ideal complementary employee.
  3. Embrace the principle of “I need an employee who complements me” instead of “I need another me”.
  4. Share your perspective or ask questions on this page.


  1. Employees who complement you are better for the business than employees who are just like you.
  2. The dollar-per-hour value that you assign to each activity is how much you would have to pay someone else per hour to do that task in your behalf.
  3. Every activity you perform has a value-per-hour, and can be replaced.
  4. By delegating Least Valuable Activities (LVAs) to employees, you’ll be free to spend more time on your Most Valuable Activities (MVAs).

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