How to Tame the Chaos of Your Office

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I wrote the intro to this post on a napkin, but I think I left it in the pants I wore yesterday. I guess I can wing it…

Sound familiar? Is your pocket, car, or email inbox a cacophony of receipts, memos, socks, and spam? Personally, I’ve helped hordes of “hoarders” with this very problem. Without clearly defined gathering points for this stuff, you lose time, money, and tax forms. That can’t be good for business!

Well, watch this 80 second clip. In it we’ll discu–Hey, I found the napkin! It was in my physical inbox the whole time!

Click to tweet this: Organize your stuff by sticking to 6 gathering points. And no, “in my pocket” isn’t one of them. @davecrenshaw

Video transcript:

Most people have too many gathering points. These are places where undecided, unresolved things gather–like your desk, or your pockets, or multiple email accounts.

I want to give a quick overview of the six approved gathering points that my clients use.

  • First is the inbox, the place where all the physical items go.
  • Second is the portable inbox, the thing that you take with you when you leave the office.
  • Third is your email inbox. You can have multiple email accounts but they should all go to one inbox.
  • Fourth is voicemail.
  • Fifth is one notepad, either paper or digital.
  • And sixth, I call the wildcard, if you need something that I haven’t mentioned here.

I’d like you to share in the comments section below which of these gathering points is your favorite? Which are you best at using and bringing to zero on a regular basis?

Also, if you have a question you’d like me to answer in a future video, please ask that in the comments section below as well.

Thanks for watching. Now please, keep it simple.

Join the conversation: Which of these gathering points is your favorite? Which are you best at using and bringing to zero on a regular basis?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

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