What’s Your Business Goal?

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How was 2012 for you? Good, bad, ugly? Fantastic?

2013 is already upon you and your business. What are you doing about it?

The truth is there’s really only ONE business goal you need to focus on to make this the best year ever. In this short video, I’ll help you discover that one goal. Please watch and share.

Action Steps:

  1. Make a list of possible answers to this question: “If we were to accomplish just one business goal in 2013, what would make the biggest impact?”
  2. Pick just one goal from that list to focus on in the coming year.
  3. In a written or recorded format, document that goal and share it with your employees or support team.
  4. On your calendar, mark down the dates of when major milestones toward that one business goal need to be completed.
  5. In the comment section below, share your one big goal for the coming year.
  6. Also support my friend, Les Hewitt, by buying his book, The Power of Focus: http://amzn.to/W9vLS9


  1. By making just one major improvement at a time, you’ll find success comes to your business more consistently.
  2. Written, documented goals are more powerful and actionable than stated or imagined goals.
  3. When your employees can see a written business goal, it makes it easier for them to focus their intention and support the business.

Need more energy? Discover the best, most motivated version of yourself with Dave’s Result Formula and get your head back in the game. Download your free copy of The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want.
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