Stay Motivated – Don’t BONK In Entrepreneurship

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Marathon runners use a funny word to talk about “hitting the wall”—BONKING. Runners have special techniques they use to make BONKING less painful than it sounds.

If you’re running a business eventually you’ll “hit the wall,” too. It’s the point where you’re frustrated, working too hard, looking for the exit, and thinking about getting a job working for someone else.

Watch my short video for 3 things you can do to stay motivated when you hit the entrepreneur’s wall.

Action Steps:

  1. Establish a company vision—a one-page document that describes what your business will look like in the future.
  2. Use a mini-harvest strategy to stay motivated by rewarding yourself regularly. Watch this video to learn more.
  3. Consider hiring a business coach to help you stay motivated and focused. To apply to become a Dave Crenshaw coaching client, complete the Chaos Assessment here.
  4. It’s important to think about things you can do to lessen the blow of “entrepreneurial bonking.” What do you do to stay motivated? If you’re comfortable, go ahead and leave a comment below.


  1. Having a future vision and purpose can help you stay motivated.
  2. It’s inevitable. Eventually you will come to a point in your career as an entrepreneur where you feel overwhelmed and consider giving up. This is called the Entrepreneur’s Wall.
  3. Everyone can benefit from external accountability. Business coaches are one of the most effective ways entrepreneurs can get that accountability and stay motivated.

Need more energy? Discover the best, most motivated version of yourself with Dave’s Result Formula and get your head back in the game. Download your free copy of The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want.
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