Why Pain Is Part of Small Business Growth

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Small business growth is exciting, yet slightly uncomfortable for many owners. Trying to avoid this pain also prevents progress and stunts growth.

Since I’m a firm believer in no pain, no gain, my small business slice is here to stretch and strengthen your entrepreneurial muscles. That’s right, I’m here to pump…YOU UP!

Click to tweet this: Progress and pain go hand in hand for growing and strengthening your small business @DaveCrenshaw

One principle I found to be true in both entrepreneurship and life in general is the connection between progress and pain.

If you consider a weightlifter trying to build muscle mass, well they’re going to tear muscles in the process, which makes them stronger—but it hurts. As entrepreneur, sometimes we try to avoid that kind of pain. Yet the principle is still true.

For instance, if I want to improve customer service by changing our systems, it’s natural for employees to complain, “Why are we doing things differently?” Yet, we have to teach them that every progress is associated with a little bit of pain.

So I’d like you to share in the comments section below one area in which you’ve grown in the past year and the pain that came along with it.

Also, if you’ve got any questions that you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching. Now go get the deep burn.

Join the conversation: Share one area in which you’ve grown in the past year and the pain that came with it!

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

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