nydailynews: Stop the multitasking madness! Attempting to do it all can cause neurological damage: studies

“[Professor Russell Poldrack]  found that the information the distracted participants studied actually traveled to a different part of the brain than the information the other volunteers studied. Ideally, new information ought to go to the hippocampus, which has the capacity to store and recall information. In distracted volunteers, however, the hippocampus was not fully activated.” … Continue reading “nydailynews: Stop the multitasking madness! Attempting to do it all can cause neurological damage: studies”

Slate: Seeking

“Actually all our electronic communication devices—e-mail, Facebook feeds, texts, Twitter—are feeding the same drive as our searches. Since we’re restless, easily bored creatures, our gadgets give us in abundance qualities the seeking/wanting system finds particularly exciting.” http://www.slate.com/id/2224932/pagenum/all/#p2

SurePayroll Main Street Insights: Is Multi-Tasking Hurting Small Business?

“A recent survey by SurePayroll found that 88 percent of small business owners think multi-tasking is now a key component in running a successful business that business owners should embrace. Also, 56 percent of Small business respondents indicated that they often handle three or more tasks simultaneously.” http://www.surepayroll.com/spsite/press/releases/2009/release071609.asp

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