Why planning ahead will help you create a more balanced, successful life

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Are you planning for the long game?

During my visit to New York City, my wife and I had the pleasure of enjoying a wonderful dinner at the Grand Banks with a few friends. One of those friends was the infamous Dorie Clark!

We got to talking about her new book, which comes out in September, called “The Long Game.” She surprised me by including some advice I recently shared in an interview with her that discusses the idea of “Distance to Empty.” She shares her adaptation of it in the video below.

The DTE principle is relatively simple. You know how a car gives you an estimated distance in miles until you run out of gas? The idea applies to how many minutes, hours, or even days you can step away from work before you have to return.

Your long-term success will improve by growing your DTE. For example, I’ve slowly worked my way up to taking two entire months off every year, as well as smaller Oases along the way. It helps keep me fresh and energized the rest of the year!

That may not be realistic for everyone, of course. Start small, as Dorie explains in her book, and work your way up to longer breaks.

What’s your current DTE? Can you extend it by even one day, or even one hour, right now?

The brilliant Dorie Clark shares countless invaluable tips for planning ahead in her new book, “The Long Game.” You can pre-order it now at  https://amzn.to/3fZCZvo. You won’t regret this investment in your success!

Dave’s course, Balancing Work and Life, can be found on LinkedIn Learning at davecrenshaw.com/life.

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