Why this common mistake is an issue when asking questions

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We’ve all been guilty of this one. When asking questions, most of us tend to make a common mistake. We forget to listen.

Instead, we either immediately ask MORE questions before the other person can respond, OR we immediately start planning what to say next in our head.

By doing so, we’re not actively listening to the other person. As a result, we miss out on what’s most important—the answer!

It can also send the message that you don’t care. Yikes!

Sound familiar? I know I can relate, although I’ve worked hard to get better at it.

Next time, slow down. Ask a question with the intention of listening.

Give them time to process and respond before continuing the conversation.

I’ve learned from experience that actively listening to your team boosts productivity and builds a stronger relationship, as well.

How are you improving your listening skills at work?


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