Like Success? Found a Focused Business

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Successful businesses share a few things in common. They’re stable, they’re capable, and they’re strong. A focused business is an ideal business.

Yet so many businesses are chaotic. They’re vulnerable to slow yet steady decay.

Why? Call it a flawed foundation. They’ve built their financial future upon sand.

Watch my brief video and find out how to make your small business ROCK, instead.

Action Steps:

  1. Consider where your business is strongest and answer this question: what role has focus played in our success here?
  2. Consider where your business is weakest and answer this question: how can we encourage a more focused business in this area?
  3. Use our comments section to share your thoughts about how focused—or chaotic—your business is.


    1. A focused business is “fortified,” “durable,” and “solid,” much like granite.
    2. A chaotic business is synonymous with words like “weak” and “vulnerable,” much like sandstone.
    3. Chaotic businesses suffer a slow but steady loss of sales to more focused ones.

Need more energy? Discover the best, most motivated version of yourself with Dave’s Result Formula and get your head back in the game. Download your free copy of The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want.
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