Why having a finish line for work boosts your productivity

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My finish line is 4:10 pm. Yeah, I know. That’s pretty random. What do I mean by a finish line? Let me explain!

Most people have set business hours, say 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. Do you ever take work home with you?

If you’re like most of my clients, and even myself at one time, you probably continue working at some capacity even after you “clock out” for the day.

A hard finish line means you stop working at a specific time each day. No more phone calls, no more even THINKING about work.

By setting a finish line—and sticking to it—you condition yourself to be more focused during your working hours. You get MORE done in LESS time!

My family knows my finish line, and if I try to go past it, they intervene because it’s my promised time with them.

The best part: You’re better able to fully enjoy your personal time, whether that’s spending time with family or enjoying a hobby. This also contributes to a boost in productivity…so the upward cycle continues!

What’s your finish line?


If you work from home, the finish line is even more vital. I’ve worked from home for over 20 years, so I know how easy it is to work endless hours with no one telling you it’s time to clock out. The problem is you end up burning out eventually, which only sets you back. Set that finish line, whatever it may be, and stick to it! If you’d like some help, whether you work at home or in an office, my time management system is proven to be successful and is FULLY adaptable. You can take my course, Time Management Fundamentals, on LinkedIn Learning at davecrenshaw.com/time.

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