Was Ben Franklin a Big Jerk? (Or, How to Give Feedback and Opinions)

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Do you know someone who consistently rubs people the wrong way? You know who I’m talking about: the people who don’t just disagree with others, but who are also disagreeable when they do it!

Ben Franklin taught me a great lesson in his autobiography about how to be a more agreeable person. In this brief video, I share Ben’s lesson, a couple of tips you can put to use immediately, and even a simple group activity you can try in your next company meeting.


Action Steps:

  1. Watch this video and ask yourself: “Do I speak in terms of ‘absolutes’ when I share my opinion or give feedback to others?”
  2. The next time you share your opinion or give feedback, try using softening words like perhaps, could be, or maybe.
  3. The next time you share your opinion, try following with a question to learn the other person’s perspective.
  4. In an upcoming group meeting, practice the Ben Franklin exercise:
    1. Take turns in a circle
    2. Say something obvious to the next person, but use softening words or a question (i.e. “It seems to me that you’re wearing a gray shirt today.”)
  5. Share your perspective or ask questions on this page

Principles to Learn:

  1. When you share your opinion in terms of absolute, forceful language, it makes people less likely to listen to you and view you as a friend.
  2. By sharing your opinion using softening words, you let the other person interpret for themselves and consider your perspective.
  3. By following your opinion with a question asking others theirs,  you tell them that you value their perspective and you’re open to what they have to say.
  4. Softening words and questions keep discussions on a positive, constructive tone.

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