How to Use Reminders to Regain Focus

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Being an entrepreneur takes a whole lot of willpower and drive. But with distractions at our fingertips, technology is turning productivity into a battle to stay focused. And it ain’t fighting fair!

So stop the feuding and regain focus in 90 seconds or less, with my short and snappy small business slice. Together we can get technology back on our team…

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It’s important for entrepreneurs to stay focused. But what if your attention naturally drifts?

This is where we can use automatic reminders or we can use technology to fight technology.

For instance, you can go into the settings of your calendar and establish reminders of when appointments are about to occur and when they occur. You can also use apps such as StayFocusd or Leechblock that remind you that “Hey, maybe you shouldn’t be spending too much time on this website.”

And you can have just something as simple as a timer. A timer can help you get back on track when you’re really unfocused and scattered, reminding you “Hey, it’s time to switch to the next thing rather than obsessing about what you were just working on.”

Now there are lots of tricks that we could use. I’d like you to share those below. What tools or tricks have you found are most effective in helping you stay focused? Please share that in the comments section below.

And if you’ve got a question you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching. Now stay focused.

Join the conversation: What tools or tricks have you found are most effective in helping you stay focused?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

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