How to Prioritize to Gain Time Dividends

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One of the best ways to evade the clutches of chaos in your small business is to schedule tasks based on importance. But how to prioritize those times when everything feels mission critical?

Prioritize and conquerize your day in this blazingly fast small business slice, which helps you calculate the smartest route to scheduling success. Take just 90 seconds, and you’ll discover how quickly your free time can add up!

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How should you prioritize your time? Most of us have been taught to prioritize in terms of what’s urgent and important.

Unfortunately, this concept has become dated because, in our world today, everything is urgent and most everything is important. Instead, I’m going to show you how to prioritize to get compound dividends on your time in three steps.

  • First of all, is there something repetitive that you can delegate to someone else? In this way, you multiply the effects of your efforts and get more time back.
  • Second, am I holding up the work of others? Never be the bottleneck. Make sure that other people can continue to work, and if you need to do something to get them working again, do it.
  • And third, can I create something that will work for me while I’m sleeping? In other words, create a process or invest in a tool that will give you more time without any effort on your part.

So, based on the questions that I’ve offered to you, what’s your priority today? Please share that in the comments section below.

Also, if you have a question you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching. Now go multiply your time.

Join the conversation: What’s your priority today?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

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