Listen More to Get More Sales

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As an entrepreneur your biggest focus is on how you can get more sales. And while spending more to get more seems like a smart idea, small business owners know there has to be a better way.

I hear you loud and clear! That’s why my weekly soundbite of small business tips is all you need to increase sales and close those deals. I’m giving a whole new meaning to putting your ear to the ground…

Click to tweet this: Replace “spending more to make more” with “listening more and asking more” to increase small business sales @DaveCrenshaw

Nothing happens in business until somebody sells something, and nothing sells faster than when someone listens.

You and your employees want to cultivate the habit of listening to the customers. They want to be understood. And if you communicate to them that you care about them and you understand their needs, you’re much more likely to convert.

After you’ve listened to people, after you’ve asked lots of questions, then you can address how your product or service gives them what they want most.

So, I’d like you to share in the comments section below: what questions do you ask your prospective customers? This will give other readers ideas of questions they can ask.

Also, if you’ve got any questions you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching. Now go listen to someone.

Join the conversation: What questions do you ask your prospective customers?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

Does your organization lack organization? Dave’s practical approach can rebuild your business from disarray and focused on getting results. Download Dave’s newest book, The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want..
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