Entrepreneur vs Employee: The Healthy Tug of War

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A tug-of-war often occurs while implementing change in any small business—and it’s bound to create a little tension. And if it comes down to entrepreneur vs. employees, that trivial tug-of-war can quickly turn into a tightrope of terror.

Sometimes all you need is a little focus to stay balanced, which is what I’m serving up today in my hot-n-ready small business slice. It’s a true win-win for small businesses everywhere.

Click to tweet this: The natural tension between entrepreneur and employee is good for small business. @Dave Crenshaw

Video transcription:

In my years of coaching small businesses, I’ve found that there’s a very interesting dynamic. It’s the tug-of-war between entrepreneurs and their employees.

On one side of the rope we have innovation, risk and making improvements to the business. Typically that’s the entrepreneur’s side.

And on the other side of the rope we have consistency. Here we want safety, stability, sustainability. That is typically the employee’s side of the rope.

The question is—who is right? And the answer is BOTH.

In this healthy tug-of-war back and forth, you can find a healthy balance in the middle. One that helps the business improve and grow and take some risks, but also finds consistency and stability.

So, I’d like you to share in the comments section below: which side do you find yourself on more, innovation or consistency?

Also, if you’ve got any questions you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that in the comments section as well.

Thanks for watching and may you find your balance.

Join the conversation: Which side do you find yourself on more, innovation or consistency?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

Does it feel like you keep running into brick walls? Work ethic only gets you so far. Dave’s newest book guides you in finding a teammate who builds on your strengths and keeps you growing. Click here to download your free copy of The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want.
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