Company Vision: Dream Big Without Getting Hurt

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The reality of big dreams is they take a long time to achieve. It’s easy for your dreams to get the best of you when they’re too big to achieve in the short term.

Big dreams can be a huge motivation killer, especially when they are hitched to your company vision.

Find out how to get the most out of dreaming big in this short video.

Action Steps:

  1. Create a vision. Allow yourself to dream big. Create your “castle in the clouds.” Most importantly, set a target date by which you want to accomplish your company vision.
  2. Break your big dream into smaller targets to keep it from becoming a motivation killer.
  3. Ask yourself what the next step is in accomplishing your goal.
  4. Please share your insights or ask questions below.

Principles to Learn:

  1. The key to motivation is consistent progress over time.
  2. Dreaming big has value, but may kill your motivation if you fail to make consistent progress over time.
  3. By setting small, bite-sized targets, your small successes will motivate you while you’re working toward your biggest goals.

Does your organization lack organization? Dave’s practical approach can rebuild your business from disarray and focused on getting results. Download Dave’s newest book, The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want..
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